Saturday, February 21, 2015


Over the past year we have had the great privilege in attending a local homeschool co-op full of beautiful homeschooling and unschooling families. Most families have younger children whom take turns each week to facilitate a workshop. A couple of weeks ago we attended a weaving workshop. One of the mothers opened up her home to us and set up an inviting space for us to weave. We had a really good time, many of the mums and dads got really involved in crafting their own stick weaving and sat amongst the children assisting when needed. I love the way the adults and children came together and all participated as peers in this activity. There were some beautiful creations and I was amazed to see the variety of interpretations within the activity.

 We had so much fun, that we have been doing a lot of weaving together recently. Its a great activity to take with you when you are out. All you need is a variety of yarn and you can find some sticks outside. Here are my girls at the skatepark the other day. While the others are busy riding around, my eldest finds a quiet spot under a tree and busies herself with her weaving.